Online Courses and Membership

Choice Guidance Behaviour Approach
Verbal Skills Training! Ways to speak, nurture and encourage growth mindset through connection and choices.
With an outcome of building a child's emotional resilience, positive mindset, engagement and persistence in their learning and growing, confidence and connection.
A Simple 3 Step Method giving you proven tools and strategies to foster: Positive Relationships Skills, Positive Communication Skills and Social and Emotional Skills.
Growth Mindset Can-Do Toolkit
A Comprehensive and Creative Growth Mindset Toolkit that gives you 100's of printables and downloadable as well as a way to bring Growth Mindset Talk into your home and classroom!

Teaching Kids Gratitude Mini Course
Your Daily Family Practice to nurture a grateful heart from the inside out. Get ready to supercharge your relationships and live happier and healthier. Encouraging less complaining and more appreciation on every level.
Wellbeing In the Classroom Online Resource
Your Go-To Movement, Mindfulness and Meditation practice for daily calm, connection and creating a culture of self-care.

Emotional Calm Technique Mini Course
Learning a mindfulness technique that helps you to be more responsive and less reactive.
FREE Power UP Parenting Video Series
An empowering 3 part video series to help you nurture growth, mindset and ignite your family values.

Get your Strengths Profile
Calling all parents, educators and leaders wanting to create harmony every day, in all areas of your life! Helping you to reclaim your energy and realign with your values and mindset to bring out the best in yourself and others. Reignite your authenticity and passion for who you are and how you want to show up in the world!
Armed with exuberance and commitment, Kerry can be relied upon to deliver fit for purpose sessions, tailor-made to the needs and knowledge base of staff.
I have attended several of Kerry's PD sessions, as a teacher and as a leader, and have found them nurturing and thought-provoking. Each presentation brings something new and builds on previous sessions, assisting participants to make links between known and new knowledge. Armed with exuberance and commitment, Kerry can be relied upon to deliver fit for purpose sessions, tailor-made to the needs and knowledge base of staff. She blends theory with practice and equips teachers with a toolkit to practise their learning in a real sense.