Strengths Spotting

Feb 11, 2021
"Behind every young child that believes in himself is a parent who believed in them first." Matthew Jacobson⁠
Being the encourager in a child's life helps them to believe in their abilities, to see themselves as capable, courageous and competent. Being an encourager nurtures self-esteem and self-belief. What they believe to be true about themselves matters to a child's ability to take reasonable risks to practise life-skills, meet new friends, try new things and grow in self-awareness. ⁠
Our outer voice becomes their inner voice. ⁠
As an ENCOURAGER we get to help children see their shining light; their strengths, their inner qualities and their special gifts so they can confidently lean into, step up and share them with the world. ⁠
For Parents⁠
Notice your child's strengths and name them out loud! "I see your persistence in not giving up, how do you feel?" "Wow, your creativity really paid off in solving that problem you had, way to go!" "Look at your kindness shine, your friend is blessed to have you care like you do."⁠
For Educators⁠
Strengths Spot!! It's one of the fastest ways to build positive relationships and create a culture of care and connection. Notice the strengths and name them. Instead of empty white sugar praise like "well done" and "fantastic" ADD ON! "Well done you used your confidence to keep going with the project and it paid off, it looks amazing." "Fantastic effort, you trusted yourself to go for it and it has helped you to achieve a great result."⁠
Kerry x⁠
Kids in Harmony⁠
Wellbeing Educator⁠
Behaviour Support Coach.⁠
Want your own Strengths Profile? Check out the link to regain your energy for the people and things you love!

Helping you to raise the next generation to be the resilient, kind and connected generation.