Teachable Moments

Feb 04, 2021
“If we're going to make mistakes anyway, we might as well learn from them -- "teachable moments".” - Orrin Woodward
Trusting in Teachable Moments
Teachable moments is likened to growth in action. We purposefully set about finding the opportunity in the ordinary day-to-day challenges and triumphs to nurture resilient, kind and connected children. Teachable Moments involve shifting perspective and looking for the opportunity to teach and guide. You get to share your values, what matters to you, your beliefs and nurture them within your living and learning environments. Teachable Moments nurtures a lifelong love of learning!
For Parents
A powerful Teachable Moment Question to ask yourself or your child is; “what else could this be?” And, “how else could I see this situation or behaviour?” It takes patience and courage to know the difference between the times your child needs your affection, and when to encourage stretching or your direct help. One of our greatest challenges is knowing when to encourage and when to back off and all the areas in between. We can fall into the trap of loving so much we do too much. We can fall into the trap of doing so much for everyone and then becoming impatient when teaching and guiding our child; we forget to trust them in the process. Teachable moments helps you to become more patient, as it requires stepping back from certain situations and patiently trust that your child will cope and grow stronger, wiser and kinder because of it.
For Educators
View perceived mistakes as Teachable Moments. Children are going to make mistakes. We all do. Trust children to cope from their mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are fairly trivial; sometimes they have significant consequences. In each case, be mindful to prioritise your relationship and connection with the children in your class. Think through potential consequences together, and invent alternative strategies to deal with scenarios should they arise again in the future. Trust the children to come up with the solutions to their problems.
Kerry Spina
Kids in Harmony
Wellbeing Educator
Behaviour Support Coach
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