Shine a light - Strengths Spotting

Feb 09, 2023
“You have to rely on whatever sparks you have inside.” ― Lisa Kleypas.⁠
Being our remarkable and amazing self!⁠
We are each gifted with strengths and inner qualities that make us who we are. When life throws you a curveball, come back to your strengths, the things you know you are good at, and that help you feel strong and energised.⁠  When life is magnificent celebrate your strengths.
The same with children.
When a child is going through stressful situations, or finding it hard to practice standing in line, potty training, putting the blocks together, reading their sight words, or staying still to have their shoes put on - go back to their strengths.⁠  It immediately gives you a kind and empowering pathway to connection.
When we acknowledge a child's strengths out loud, they learn to know what lies within them and what they can draw on when they need it now and into the future. 
Their strengths become their inner resources, just like ours.  Their strengths become their inner self-talk the way they think and feel about themselves.  "I can be persistent." "I am creative"  I can solve problems."  "I am an adventurer and can try new things." "I can practice to be still to put on my laces with time and effort."
For Parents⁠ and Caregivers
Build upon your child’s awareness of how amazing and unique they are. Name their strengths out loud and acknowledge them with descriptive praise.
Things like: kindness, adventurer, confident, joyful, enthusiastic, encourager, persistent, independent, creative, gentle, respectful, peaceful, calm, grateful, friendly, generous, patient, trustworthy and so many more.
“I see your patience while you are waiting calmly for me to finish feeding your baby sister.”
“Look at your confidence as you practice sitting like a frog in relaxation.”
Look for what’s strong more than what’s wrong is the motto when Strengths Spotting, and this powerful guidance tool will nurture your child's self-esteem and self-belief by growing their inner confidence and self-awareness of all the strengths that exist within them.
For Educators⁠
Think of Strengths as an inner resource for children.  A wellbeing resource that can build and grow over the years to support their emotional, mental and physical health.
Focus on What's working more than what's not working. This is taking a strengths-based approach to your teaching and guiding.  Notice the attributes and inner qualities a child is sharing and experiencing.  Name them out loud to the child. "I notice your persistence in not giving up and you got it, you finished the puzzle."  "How do you feel?"
For older children, have the children each write a Strength for each child in the room. You could have a big long list of Strengths they can choose from. Sometimes children don’t see in themselves what others do.
When they read their Strengths Note from a friend (20 of them), they will see
in themselves inner resources they can draw on time and time again to support and encourage them in their learning and social and emotional wellbeing.⁠  It will help with connection, acceptance and togetherness within your cohort.  A beautiful thing to do to shine a light on all the amazing inner qualities the children have, and having them see them for themselves, in each other. 
Enjoy shining a light on all that is STRONG, more than what is wrong. 
We all know how focusing on what's wrong perpetuates the challenges and sucks the energy out of everyone. It also misses the opportunity to seize the Teachable Moments we have before us, those growth moments where we can have a significant impact in creating harmony within ourselves and our environment. 
By Strengths Spotting your own wellbeing will flourish too!
Yours in Harmony
Kerry x
Kerry Spina⁠
Kids in Harmony⁠
Wellbeing Educator⁠
Behaviour Support Coach⁠

Helping you to raise the next generation to be the resilient, kind and connected generation.