Every Child Deserves A Champion.

Apr 18, 2020

Encouragement is the fuel that fires and motivates our potential.

What is the first thing you would say to a close friend if she were halfway through a project?

Would you give up on her and discourage her will, her grit, and determination?

Or would you give honest feedback in a supportive and encouraging way to help her follow through and make her own choices?

The same for your child.

If your child spills a glass of water, do you criticize, nag or whine or do you use encouraging words to help them bounce back from a mistake and learn for next time?

 Do you support and guide your child to find a different way to practice the skill of carrying a glass of water?

Would they ever feel confident in carrying a glass of water if they felt that spilling it would result in a battle or them feeling less than themselves? Would they risk disappointing someone they love?

Would they take reasonable risk to keep putting in the effort required to master the skill of carrying water?

In order to grow in confidence and resilience, children need practice at skill-building; from the smallest of skills to the largest of skills. They need practice in their humanness and practice being comfortable with their humanness.

The parenting mindset practice is simple, it encourages you to use the word practice within your parent and teacher talk, to be the encourager. To take the pressure off yourself and your child. It helps create an accepting environment for learning where mistakes are embraced as a part of the growth.

Bring the word ‘practice’ into your everyday language. Whenever you can and as often as you can.

When you do this, it brings calm to your environment simply by taking away unrealistic expectations we sometimes put on ourselves and our child and seeing things for what they are, that children are learning and growing into their potential as they experience new skills, develop those skills and gain mastery in others.

When you use the word ‘practice’; it makes space for learning and creating an environment that lets everyone know… mistakes are how we learn. Mistakes are not a failure, they are feedback. It brings a calm and connected learning environment for children to be held through their mistakes and guided through their growth.

“Let’s practise putting your shoes on together.”
“Let’s practise walking to the car peacefully.”

“Let’s practise packing away the blocks before dinner.”
“Let’s practise your site words.”
“Let’s practise your reading.”

“Let’s practise swimming in the pool together.”
“Let’s practise cleaning your teeth, you go first then I will help you.”

Such a peaceful practice the Power of Practise.

Enjoy encouraging and nurturing your child’s confidence as they grow and learn through their developing years.

Yours in Harmony


Helping you to raise the next generation to be the resilient, kind and connected generation.