emotional resilience in children

Emotional Resilience - Persistence

Mar 06, 2021
“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela
Creating harmony every day!
Harmony Card - Persistence
I keep going
I stay motivated and never give up
I use positive self-talk; “I can do this!”
I finish what I start
How do you choose Persistence?
Nurturing persistence in children helps to nurture their emotional resilience. BECAUSE, a lot of feelings begin to rise when they want to give up. When things get hard, or feel helpless. Persistence requires emotional resilience and mental fitness to help children know they can do hard things and those hard things will help them to grow stronger, kinder and wiser.
For Parents and Educators
Notice the emotions that rise when a child is persisting through a challenge and what starts to block them. Is it the emotions that they feel or is it their thinking that they need to be aware of.
Ask Feeling Questions;
"How do you feel when you can't get the block in the right place?"
"Where are you feeling it in your body when you get upset with not being able to find the words you need to finish your writing task?"
Ask Thinking Questions:
"What are you thinking when you get agitated with the block?"
"What is going through your thoughts when the writing task is getting challenging?"
Let a child express their feelings and thoughts and acknowledge them as part of the growth. That in order to learn persistence lots of feelings and thinking arises and not to let them become obstacles that stop them but opportunities to grow and learn more about themselves in that process.
Kerry Spina

Helping you to raise the next generation to be the resilient, kind and connected generation.