Positive Self-Talk

Mar 03, 2024

Convince yourself every day that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.” - Germany Kentā 

We know all too often how our self-talk can limit us from doing the things we want to do and making the impact we want to make within our homes and community; it is the same for children. We need no introduction to how toxic self-talk can be - different blows in our life can have it on overdrive.

Our self-talk is our mindsets, we all have two mindsets. Dr Carol Dweck’s research shows that we have both mindsets and that nurturing a growth mindset can help us to be our fully authentic selves and noticing our Fixed Mindset can help us shift our thinking when we are stuck and static.

Self-talk has the power to shift our energy, confidence, relationships and experiences for the better. 
For Parentsā 

ā Notice your own self-talk. Do you speak it out loud within your home?

Catch yourself in the act. If you hear yourself speak down to yourself in front of your child, flip it and allow them to hear that you noticed you put yourself down and it’s not okay to do that. ‘Oh that’s not a nice way to talk to myself, I was frustrated I don’t mean that I’m stupid at all, I’m intelligent, and I just made a mistake.”ā   Have a magical practising self-compassion as a parent too. As we speak kinder towards ourselves we are more gentle, loving and forgiving in all areas of our lives. 
For Educatorsā 

ā Notice your own self-talk. Do you speak it out loud within your classroom?

Catch yourself in the act. If you hear yourself speak down to yourself in from of your classroom, flip it and allow the children to hear that you noticed you put yourself down. ‘Oh that’s not a nice way to talk to myself, I was frustrated I don’t mean that I’m stupid at all, I’m intelligent, and I just made a mistake.”ā 
If you notice the children using self-talk that is limiting create a word or fun way to get them to flip it. You could use a signal like “woot woot” and let the children know that is the signal for a reframe and you won’t sit and watch them put themselves down. Make it fun! Ask them if they would talk to a friend like that?ā 

Kerry Spina
Kids in Harmony
Wellbeing Educator
Behaviour Support Coach

ā #creatingharmonyeveryday #inthehome #intheclassroom #kidsinharmony

 #wellbeingeducator #behavioursupportcoach #values #virtues #strengths 

#growthmindset #mindfulness #wellbeing #wellness #flourishing 

#emotionalwellbeing #mentalwellbeing #socialwellbeing #positivepsychology

Helping you to raise the next generation to be the resilient, kind and connected generation.