Cultivating Self-Belief Together

Feb 04, 2024

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.” - David J. Schwartz

Empower self-belief.

Children need masses of self-belief to make the most of their potential, yet it can be extra challenging if we jump on them every time they make a mistake.

Self-belief is what a child believes to be true about themselves.

We want to help children not to fearing making mistakes and fearing disappointing us. Encouraging them to understand that mistakes are a vital part to learning and growing.

Empowering children to embody the understanding that mistakes show what does and does not work - mistakes are feedback, not failure. Mistakes show us what we need to do differently - that simple.

Mistakes are also empowering because they tell a story about the risks we’ve taken and the life we have experienced. Loving children for who they are and not for what they do is a beautiful way to nurture self-belief. Acknowledging their brave, their risk taking, their confidence to have a go, their determination and persistence to keep going and their big, kind loving heart amongst it all.

Children can be courageous and confident in trusting themselves to be their authentic self when we create an environment that embraces the growth that mistakes gift us. Cultivating a 'Mistakes are okay it's how we learn' space' welcomes all children to speak up, show up and make their unique mark in the world.

For Parents
A great connection builder is to share your own mistakes and the things you have learned along the way. Share how it’s helped you have more confidence and belief in your abilities and a pathway to following your dreams. Have the mantra “As a family, we can do hard things.” This powerful mantra comes from Glennon Doyle. When we know we can do hard things, we are not afraid of making mistakes, we can bounce back and be stronger, braver and kinder because of it. We know that we are not alone, together we are stronger!

For Educators
Creating safe and brave spaces that mistakes are okay they help us learn, nurtures a child’s self-esteem and self-belief. It helps the children in your classroom feel supported in their learning growth. It builds trust and trust builds connection and connection builds a ‘no matter what we can get through this together’ attitude. All of this creates a safe and brave space to learn. Ask the children “What mistakes have you learned from in the last week?” What’s something because of that mistake that made you a better person?”

Kerry Spina
Kids in Harmony
Wellbeing Educator
Behaviour Support Coach

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Helping you to raise the next generation to be the resilient, kind and connected generation.