Teaching children generosity. Values education. Values parenting.


generosity inner qualities mindfulness mindset values approach values parenting virtues Mar 27, 2021
"Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can."
– John Wesley
Creating harmony every day!⁠
Harmony Card - Generosity ⁠
I give with joy⁠
I don't expect anything in return.⁠
I share things and ideas with others.⁠
I give time to my friends and family.⁠
How do you choose Generosity?⁠
Generosity brings joy to the giver and the receiver. Generosity springs from a sense of abundance and gratitude for the every day blessings we have in our lives. Generosity ignites gratitude. There is enough to go around for everyone, and that we can value people and places by giving them our time, our love, and our resources.  We can be generous when we offer our support, our love and our help. We can do this in the simplest of ways. A text. A phone call. A meal. A gentle reminder that the person is loved.  Nurturing generosity helps children to look beyond themselves and see a bigger picture.  To see that other people matter. 
For Parents
"Who did you help today?" This is one of the Daily Dose of Growth templates' questions from my CAN-DO Growth Mindset Online Toolkit. It's a powerful question. Every time you help or offer help, you are generous. Generous in spirit. Generous in care. Generous in the heart.
For Educators
"Who did you help today?" This is an empowering way to show the children first hand how it's the little things that grow positivity, friendships, empowered learning environments and trust that they can rely on each other. Please share with the children someone you helped today outside of the school environment; it may be a family member or work colleague. Notice the feeling in the room when HELPFULNESS gets the spotlight. Helpfulness is generosity in action.
Kids in Harmony⁠
Wellbeing Educator⁠
Behaviour Support Coach⁠
The Harmony Cards a beautiful way to encourage the many inner qualities we want for our children. ⁠
Or purchase the CAN-DO Growth Mindset Toolkit for instant access. www.kidsinharmony.com.au  visit online courses.

Helping you to raise the next generation to be the resilient, kind and connected generation.